International Sophomore Entry 


Eligible Applicants:

✓ Students who are qualified as international students in accordance with the MOE’s Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.

✓ Students studying for a bachelor’s degree in Taiwan:

  1. Must be an international student enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited university in Taiwan.
  2. Must have completed an accumulation of at least two semesters of undergraduate studies at an accredited university in Taiwan before enrolling at NTU.
  3. Students are not eligible to apply if they had graduated from universities in Taiwan at the time of application or by the time of entry to NTU.

✓ Students studying for a bachelor’s degree at a foreign university must have completed an accumulation of at least two semesters of undergraduate studies before enrolling at NTU.


Ineligible Applicants:

✗ Students who has studied in Taiwan as an Overseas Chinese student.


Admitted students will be considered 2nd year students upon enrollment at NTU, regardless of the number of academic years they had completed at their previous university.
"Another Chance, Another Choice"

Available International Sophomore Entry Programs

Sophomore entry applicants are not limited to programs similar to their current major. An applicant with an impressive application and strong motivations to pursue a different major will be considered for a program even if their current major is of a different field. (Please note that available programs found in the application system will be priortized over those found in the search available programs page. )

List of Available Programs

Credit Transfer

Sophomore entry students can transfer up to 50 credits to NTU. Credit transfers/waivers have to be received and approved by the Office of Academic Affairs and relevant academic departments. Students should submit their credit transfer applications before the start of the semester (check the NTU Academic Calendar for exact dates). Approved transfer credit will be issued before the start of the academic year.

For further details about credit transfer procedures, please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Important Dates and Deadlines

2025 September Entry

Online application starts Online application deadline Decisions release date Admitted students reply deadline
March 3, 2025 March 31, 2025 May 15, 2025 May 22, 2025
Online application starts
March 3, 2025
Online application deadline
March 31, 2025
Decisions release date
May 15, 2025
Admitted students reply deadline
May 22, 2025

How to Apply

Admission Guidelines

Our admission guidelines tell you everything you need to know about our admission procedures and will guide you through your application. Be sure to read them carefully.

Required Documents

Documents Required for Eligibility Check
  • Proof of nationality
  • Minimum proof of language proficiency required by NTU
  • Academic credentials in Chinese or English:
    • Certificate of enrollment/Attendance: Applicants must provide an official certificate of enrollment of the current semester or an official certificate of attendance of at least two semesters of undergraduate studies issued by their university.
    • Full transcript of records (including explanation of grading system): Applicants shall submit their undergraduate full transcripts (academic records) of at least 2 semesters. For applicants who have not completed 2 semesters of studies in their undergraduate programs by the time of the application, please submit the full high school transcripts of the final 3 years along with the undergraduate transcripts.
Documents Required by Department
  • Language Proficiency Certificate
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Additional required documents: e.g. Personal Statement, Study Plan
Other Required Documents
  • Photograph
  • Declaration and Authorization Form
  • Other materials that support the student’s application
  • Financial statement
  • Payment receipt of application fee

Application Procedures

  • 1
    Create an account

    Create an account in our online application system. Please remember the email address used for applying, as you will need it to submit your application, upload documents, and check your application status and results.

  • 2
    Fill in your personal information

    Required personal information include your full name in English (and Chinese, if application), date of birth, country of birth, nationality, email address, education, work experience, etc.

  • 3
    Select up to 5 departments

    Each applicant may apply to up to five departments. If an applicant receives more than one admission offer, they can only choose one department to enroll in.

  • 4
    Recommendation letters
    Writing the Recommendation Letter

    The recommendation letters must be written in either Mandarin Chinese or English. The recommender may choose to fill in the online recommendation letter (recommended option) or upload a scanned file of the recommendation letter. A hard copy of the recommendation letter is to be provided only upon request by the department.

    Finding a Recommender

    There is no hard rule as to who you should ask to be your recommender. However, we advise that your recommender be a teacher or an employer that knows you well and can accurately describe your strengths and potential. If you are applying for more than one department, you may have only one recommender for all your programs, or different recommenders for each program. Note that if a recommender is recommending you for multiple programs, they will have to fill in or write a recommendation letter for each program.

    Number of Recommendation Letters

    Some departments may request 1 or 2 recommendation letters, whereas some may not require any recommendation letters. Please refer to the application requirements to find out the number of recommendation letters required by your department. For each application, you may send up to 5 recommendation letter requests. You will be able to submit your application after the minimum number of required recommendation letters is uploaded. If the department requires 2 recommendation letters but received 3 from your application, you will not be able to choose which letters will or will not get reviewed.


    After filling in your recommenders’ information, you will be able to send out the recommendation letter requests through the application system to your recommenders’ emails. You will be able to check if your recommender has opened the email and whether they have uploaded a recommendation letter. The recommendation letters are considered part of your application. You will only be able to submit your application after the minimum number of recommendation letters have been uploaded. Please ensure that your recommenders upload the letters before the application deadline.

  • 5
    Upload documents
    • ✓ Academic credentials (Chinese or English)
    • ✓ Transcripts (Chinese or English)
    • ✓ Personal Statement
    • ✓ Study Plan
    • ✓ Documents Required by Department
    • ✓ Proof of nationality
    • ✓ Photograph
    • ✓ Payment receipt of application fee
    • ✓ Declaration and Authorization Form
    • ✓ Financial Statement
    • ✓ Other materials that support the student’s application

    For further details regarding each required document, please refer to our admission guidelines.

  • 6
    Application fee

    After the payment is completed, no refund will be given under any circumstances, including but not limited to application withdrawal, failure to meet requirements, mistakes during the payment process, and double payment.

    Payment Form

    After completing the online application, the system will automatically generate a payment form. Please make sure the amount is correct before making the payment and upload the receipt to the online application system.

    Application Fee

    After completing the online application, the system will automatically generate a payment form. Please make sure the amount is correct before making the payment and upload the receipt to the online application system.

    For the first two departments From the third department onward
    NTD 2,000 or USD 80 per department NTD 1,500 or USD 60 per department
    Payment Methods

    Domestic (Taiwan) payments are only accepted in NT dollars.
    International payments are only accepted in US dollars.
    Online credit card payments: After successfully paying through the online credit card payment system, download the payment invoice, fill it in, and upload it to the online application system.

  • 7
    Examinations and interviews

    If the department requires oral/written examinations or interviews, they will follow their own procedures. Please see each department’s regulations for more information.

Online Application System

Application Period: March 3 (11:00 AM) – March 31 (4:00 PM), 2025

2025 September Entry for International Sophomore Entry Students
International Sophomore Entry Application Information