Application Timeline

Note: The above timeline only shows the time frames of applications made through the Office of International Affairs. For applications through the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students and the University Entrance Committee for Mainland Chinese Students, please refer to their respective websites.


International Student Applications are open in August (graduate programs only), October, and December each year. Overseas Chinese Student Applications (Recommendation by Overseas High Schools) are open every August to October. Check out their respective application webpages for full information and exact dates.

2025 International Applications Start End
February Entry August 5, 2024 October 3, 2024
September Entry (1st round) October 4, 2024 December 5, 2024
September Entry (2nd round) December 16, 2024 February 13, 2025

Detailed timelines for each entry are listed on our International Applications webpage.

2025 Overseas Chinese Applications Start End
Recommendation by Overseas High Schools August 5, 2024 October 3, 2024

Detailed timelines for each entry are listed on our Recommendation by Overseas High Schools webpage.

2025 International Sophomore Entry Applications Start End
September Entry March 3, 2025 March 31, 2025

Detailed timelines can be found on International Sophomore Entry webpage.

2025 International Applications
Start End
February Entry
August 5, 2024 October 3, 2024
September Entry (1st round)
October 4, 2024 December 5, 2024
September Entry (2nd round)
December 16, 2024 February 13, 2025

Detailed timelines for each entry are listed on our International Applications webpage.

2025 Overseas Chinese Applications
Start End
Recommendation by Overseas High Schools
August 5, 2024 October 3, 2024

Detailed timelines for each entry are listed on our Recommendation by Overseas High Schools webpage.

2025 International Sophomore Entry Applications
Start End
September Entry
March 3, 2025 March 31, 2025

Detailed timelines can be found on International Sophomore Entry webpage.